Christina has been working as a free-lance designer for 10 years, in Set and Costume design for theatre. Christina recently completed a placement in the Digital Design Department at the National Theatre, London.

Christina designed the set and/or costumes for  Tannhauser, Lohengrin, Anna BolenaMaria Stuarda, Der Freischütz and Cosi Fan Tutte (Melbourne Opera) Greenroom nomination for best design in opera. Werther, The Japanese Princess (Lyric Opera), Metamorphoses (National Theatre Drama School).  Flowerchildren – The Mamma’s and Papa’s Story (Magnormos), The Stephen Schwartz Triptych, Jerry Herman Triptych and Stephen Sondheim Triptych (Magnormos) – set, costume and projection design.   The Hat Pin (Magnormos), True Love Travels on a Gravel Road (Fifteen minutes from Anywhere). Rio Saki and Other Falling objects (Parnassus Den) Melburnalia II and Macbeth Re-arisen (White Whale Theatre -nominated for best Independent Production at the Green Room awards), War Lounge (The Bettybooke) and Men (Straight Jacket Productions). Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf and A Kind of Alaska (Winerfall Theatre). Christina was recently involved with set dressing and props for the Cabaret show Oprahfication, the Melbourne Zoo concert version of the Disney musical Beauty and The Beast (Adam J. Lowe Productions), and California Dreaming and A fine Romance touring show.

Christina’s Set Design credits include; Night School (VCA), Between Today and Tomorrow (VCA), Life’s a Circus (Magnormous). Costume design credits include; White with Wire Wheels (Melbourne Union Theatre) and Living Things (VCA puppetry) created by Peter Wilson, Disjointed Story and Lois and her Mother’s Secret Life (Cast and Crew Productions), Bow Wow Festival (The family Dog Circus), Triplicity (Weave Contemporary Dance Theatre), and As You Like it (Winterfall Theatre).

Whilst at secondary school, Christina’s love of theatre began through performing but also designing sets for the school productions. This interest in theatre continued through university completing a Bachelor of Performing Arts at Monash University majoring in Music, minor in Visual Arts. Christina then studied a Diploma of Design in Visual Merchandising at RMIT, and has  completed a Post-Graduate in Theatre Design at the VCA. Since then Christina has been designing regularly for theatre throughout Melbourne.




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